Since its formation, legislative advocacy has been one of CAJPA’s core purposes on behalf of its members. Through the Legislative Committee and Legislative Advocate, CAJPA monitors legislation and regulatory changes of interest to risk management joint powers authorities. The committee takes a position on important legislative issues, guided by Board approved platforms.

Keeping Members Informed! 

Support Risk Pooling Issues - getting involved is easy!

CAJPA keeps members informed on key legislative activities throughout the year, coordinates legislative efforts, and utilizes grassroots outreach to make its voice heard by the Legislature. We encourage all CAJPA members to be aware of and engaged in significant legislative issues, so that the voice of public sector pooling is heard.

Key Bills

There is a growing need for legislative awareness. Together, CAJPA and its members must act to support or challenge a broad spectrum of issues affecting the membership.

Legislative Action Day

In an effort to help educate legislators and decision makers about CAJPA, its members, and its position on proposed legislation, CAJPA hosts a Legislative Action Day. Each spring members from throughout the state gather in Sacramento to meet one-on-one with legislators at the State Capitol. This event is crucial to CAJPA as legislative advocacy is a core part of our mission.

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Legislative Links

CAJPA Legislative Advocate - Faith Borges

Actum LLC believes that communications at all phases of advocacy is critical to a successful outcome. We believe that a well informed and involved client ensures that both parties are participating in the process and contributing to the outcome.

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California Legislative Information

Access a complete listing of California Law Codes and Bill Search features via the official California Legislative Information website. Measures prior to 1999 can still be found at which will remain as an archive for legislative information.

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Capitol Weekly

Capitol Weekly is a publication of Open California, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2012 to inform, enlighten and educate Californians about public policy and state governance, and to provide a platform for engagement with public officials, advocates and political interests.

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California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation (CCWC)

Capitol Update, CCWC’s electronic newsletter, provides intriguing and insightful information to our members, covering a range of topics including news and updates on relevant political matters and member insights regarding pressing workers' compensation issues.

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Legislative Updates

As you know, CAJPA’s Legislative Committee works hard to represent its members in the law-making arena.
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